Writing and why it can Suck

Yeah there’s hardships to writing if you’re new to it all. The real reason is WHY ARE YOU GETTING INTO WRITING? Is it because you’re forced to do it and you don’t know anything else? Or is it because you love it but you think you don’t know enough before diving in? Either way there’s ton’s of reasons to get in or to never try it but the one rule I apply to anything I do is make it FUN!

The FUN Factor can apply to anything you do, but how? Well, it’s all about how you see things, not how it’s done. That’s what creates a STYLE in what you do and perfect as time goes on. So how can that apply to writing if I’m not a good speller or my grammar is sub par? It doesn’t matter! The IDEA is what’s important and how you navigate the reader through the weeds. Keep it simple, then enjoy the writing ride! You’ll eventually get the rest in time.

So we got the sucky part out of the way, right? Well, kind of. Normally that’s the main fear of those getting into writing. Or the fact that they don’t have an idea where to begin or even how to continue. There’s lots of ways but understanding that writing is an art form might escape many. I compare writing to drawing and or animation. Yup, animation for me is how I got the gist of it all then I rolled with the punches to understand the rest.

In animation there can be straight ahead and keyframes. Straight ahead is continuing to illustrate to the shape in the next movement pose while key framing is all about seeing what the next image is and having a direction to work towards to connect. I prefer the latter. Bullet points are fantastic to base your idea, ground it. but before you do that there needs to be a formula as to the direction you’re going. There are lots online on that topic so search it out and study the formula’s of a proper story then you can switch it up once you’re more proficient in writing.

At the end of the day it’s all about trial and error. But keep this in mind before you begin the writers journey. Simple, Fun and SHORT! Short stories will be your best bet in learning the craft. Then you’ll be able to grow from there. More on how I write on my Patreon or on this website in time. For now, start small.

Steven Sanchez

Illustrator working within the Onixan Productions universe to create and bring fourth extra fun adventures for the added entertainment of the human masses or aka NERDS. I say that with love.


Don’t be an Ambitious Writer


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