The Onixan Scenario

Onixan Productions logo is Trademarked 2024

What the heck is an ONIXAN? The short of it, was to create a quick name for my studio back in 1999 which stemmed from the word ON Point to then ON-X, then slapped three letters of my last name SAN and Poof! ONIXAN! The X looked cooler in design, yes, riveting right? Well, I needed a name as I had a falling out with a previous group of folks I had been with and creating something on the fly to develop a brand was necessary.

Fast forward to 2024. Lots has happened since then and stories will be told in my video’s but the focus is on the new Onixan Productions in building the fundamentals to what I want to see as a fun workflow for not only comic books but also future endeavors like small animations and products. I also don’t want to get way ahead of myself in trying to do all those other things first since I kind of need the comic book to begin with.

These blogs are meant to help those looking for stability in knowing what to focus more on and since I’ve been through a ton of messes that I’ve made why not share my pitfalls to help you on your journey while preventing my mistakes. Here’s a few steps to kick you off on what you should look for

Step 1 - FOCUS on what you really want, everything else can wait, trust me!

Step 2 - FUN FACTOR is the key to building your product

Step 3 - STICK IT OUT! No matter what, build around what you’re enjoying

Follow those little mantra steps and you’ll be on your way to building you’re own ONIXAN type brand. Till then guys, “Keep it simple!”


Steven Sanchez

Illustrator working within the Onixan Productions universe to create and bring fourth extra fun adventures for the added entertainment of the human masses or aka NERDS. I say that with love.


It’s all about the VIDEO’S


Conquer your IP!