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Don’t be an Ambitious Writer

Looking to write the next greatest novel? STOP IT right now! Yup, things don’t work out the way you think they will. Now, not saying this to disparage you but the reality of it all is, never try, never fail! Ok, that last line was from the animated movie, RoBots. Point is just like drawing, it’s all about the fun factor.

So STOP trying to be the best. Now you can strive for it but in the end FUN will be your true ambition in being creative. Writing & drawing pretty much go hand in hand. From idea, layouts and final form. But the gesture of drawing and writing are the same as well. Creating twists is like gesture drawing. Articulating in the final draft are the finishing touches to make your story creation stand out.

Keep the fun high and the twists pumping for a crazy ride. That’s the only trying that’ll make your story work. Overthinking will stifle you. Sometimes word vomiting the ideas in your head can work just fine to begin the process of thought.

Once again, keep it simple and fun with twists to have a fresh feeling as the story continues. Hope this article helps to clear your mind next time you try writing. Just don’t try so hard & enjoy the ride. Oh, and start with short stories. It really is the best way.