Onixan Productions

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It’s all about the VIDEO’S

Once upon a time images reigned supreme but now it’s ALL about the VIDEO’S

Why write when I can simply just show you a video about what I’m doing. Cause it’s lazy for a blog, duh. Been watching a whole lot of video’s on The YouTube’s about algorithms and posting content blah blah blah. I just wanna create and post. But these days it’s becoming a bit more cumbersome in getting folks to watch your craft. So what’s the secret sauce?

Well, there’s an old phrase that comes to mind and that’s, Consistency is KING! And that’s a fact! So finally swiped all of my stuff off the desk in one hand stroke and I’m going all in on Video creations. Daily too. Been thinking about it for sometime now and gearing up for it hasn’t been easy but starting to feel ready for the challenge.

Will BURN OUT be a fear of mines? Nah, I’ve mastered this insanity for a long time and the camera doesn’t scare me one bit. I keep hoping to see many of the artists that follow me on social media do the same too. It’ll be a game changer if that ever happens. more folks watching people create on a daily. Now that’s something I’d watch more of, so pop out your phones and start filming! Cya in the next post.